Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fashion sense... or lack thereof.

oh god, i don't know what part molly hated of that outfit more: the fishnet tights, the bright orange skin-tight mini skirt, or the SOLAR SYSTEM SHIRT.

rofl. i was too cool freshman year.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy birthday, Molly!

me and molly made up last night so now i'm allowed to draw her without getting really angry texts, lol.

i hope your 18th birthday is all you ever dreamed it could be, and that your hangover goes away.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why I don't have a boyfriend.

how social!

tomorrow i'll scan in the comic i put in the paper that apparently like started a riot, rofl.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

From the May 07 issue of the Outlook...

click to enlarge.

this is a scan of the comic i put in the first issue of the school newspaper last year.

keep an eye out for the newest issue of the paper; it should be out before spring break.

i think the comic i put in it is funny, but i'm pretty sure i don't share a sense of humor with 99% of other humans.

in other news, my scanner has been weird and i've been too lazy to fix it and finally my mom stumbled across a cure. thanks mom!

so expect more regular comics, yo.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My best friends.

look lic i not only drew you, i drew your creepy room with naked people on the walls! :D

this has been sitting in my scanner for a month, but my scanner was broken. now it's fixed. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

True Friendship.

me and tone got lunch today because we both skipped school.

tone's head isn't small in real life........

i've had a rather eventful day without actually having an events.

click to enlarge.