Saturday, October 27, 2007


the bulb in my lamp in here burnt out.
i have another good one about molly in the works, stay tuned.
and as always, click to enlarge.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I never have any time.

click to enlarge

i made this when i decided to take a break from slaving over that thing... what's it called... oh my life, that's right.


i have a few ideas in the works, so keep on the look out.

and a special thanks to dan lawrence for coming over tonight and being such a sweetheart.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Oh, Molly.

if you know molly at all, this is totally hilar.

click to enlarge.

Homeward Bound

i sort of took a four month hiatus without telling anyone. whoops.

hope the fact that i'm looking to start doing this regularly again makes up for it.
(click on this or any of the other comics to enlarge. be warned, though, it's easier to see where i made mistakes.)